Research & Writing

2021 - ongoing


Design Research // Writing // Strategy


A compilation of work in research & writing as a designer in the field of food, culture, shared value, ecology & urban spaces.

Ecology & Economy - A Tug of War and what do we mean by the “environmentalism of the poor”?

Academic Essay

A critical analysis of the concepts of deep ecology and ecotourism through the lens of the “poor”. This piece also analyses the often strained relationship between ecology & economy and why we must find shared value for a sustainable future.

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The Whereabouts of a Displaced Chair. The Global Flow of — the Rattan, the Monobloc & the Eames DSW.

Academic Essay

Object based storytelling and research on the history of three famous chairs and their influence on visual cutlure through time.

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Puhos, from the lens of the people.

Design for Social Change, Research & Strategy

Mõtus Lõmas Kama
Samvidh Ramanathan
Martin Guyot

This report brings together our research in the themes of food and migration. Exploring the concepts surrounding and combining these notions, we aimed to anchor our understandings in the context of Helsinki by making them converse with an existing migrant food network. We found the shopping centre Puhos as a thriving example of a hub for immigrant communities and the food networks within. As a result of our research, observations and conversations with individuals on these topics, this report serves as a proposal to address some of the issues we noticed. This was a 3 week research project.

Read the entire report here →