F-22 Raptor / Brochure Design

The F-22 Raptor is a brochure based on the American fighter plane that was introduced in 1997.

The brochure has been carefully folded from an A3 sheet such that it pertains to the characteristics and the statistics of the Raptor. It is one of the most lethal fighter planes to have ever been designed. This is a classroom project I completed within a week. The brochure would largely cater to aircraft magazines and pieces of information at libraries.


Print / Information Arch. / Typography / Editorial Design

January 2015


One of the key attributes that the makers kept in mind was stealth which would make it difficult for the enemy to detect it on the radar. Suited for any climate it has been designed not only for aerial combats, but for ground attacks and signal intelligence roles too.

Lockheed Martin is the primary contractor of this aircraft and is responsible for its basic frame and final assembly too.

Samvidh Ramanathan